Are you tired of feeling tired, but just don’t know where to start? Learn why this unique and integrative health coaching program can take you where you want to be.
Working with a health coaching is unlike any other relationship you may have in your life. You will finally receive personal attention to and support of your health related goals. We will work together as a team to address the areas of your health, lifestyle, and sleep with which you are not satisfied.
What will happen during my time with a health coach? Once we decide that we are a good fit, at each session (in person, phone, or video chat) we will generate a few goals. In our follow up session 2 weeks later, you will be asked about how your progress went in the next session. We will explore those areas in which you feel stuck. My job is to provide you with support, encouragement, accountability, and the background to distinguish misconceptions and myths. You will be provided with numerous handouts, information sheets, recipes, and free giveaways to supplement our discussions.

If you are the type of person who tends to step into action when you are held accountable, this program is for you. This is not a strict diet program. My clients have experienced the following after only a few weeks in the program:

-increased energy

-better sleep without sleep aids

– a renewed commitment to personal health
In summary, personal health coaching is like having a personal trainer, except for all areas of your health, not just your physical activity. Aren’t sure you’re ready to commit? Happy Health Rested provides a few packages to meet you where you are. If you’re curious, call me or email me for a FREE 15 minute consultation.
Hope to talk to you soon!