Success Stories From Happy Healthy Rested Clients

Success Stories
I’ve now been getting consistently 6-8
hours of sleep/night for the past month.
This is incredible, because before I
started working with Deirdre, I had
several nights in a row where I was
getting 0-3 hours of sleep…I had a
physical feeling of dread every time I
went into my bed, and Ambien was losing
its effect. I was taking 2.5 mg and
suddenly I was requiring 5 mg, and even
that wasn’t a sure-bet to put me to sleep.
I would describe my coach as:

Expert, open, flexible,
magician with a magic wand.
Closeup picture of waves at sunset.-Melissa P
– Amy HImage of beach with long grass in the foreground at early sunset.The most significant overall change
I have noticed has been that I no
Longer feel ruled by my depression
and anxiety. For the first time I have
confidence in myself and my abilities.
I have never enjoyed life the way I am
today—enjoying each moment—
thanks to Deirdre’s help.
-Therese WWide landscape of beach at sunset.You helped me work through how I
approach these middle of night
wake-ups. As a 60 year old woman,
it seems they are just gonna happen.
But I have figured out some good
strategies for lulling myself back to
sleep: I know that I can just go
downstairs; I can make that melt-y
feeling in my hands and breathe
deeply; I can rationalize by knowing
it’s just nature waking me up and
likely not my “fault”, and I take comfort
in knowing that the sleep the night
following a bad one is usually quite
My top 3 goals were to sleep through
the night, combat sleep anxiety,
develop tools to maintain a healthy
sleep schedule. Deirdre helped
me by giving me a clear
understanding behind the science
behind sleep,giving me techniques
to combat sleep anxiety and giving
me the tools to adjust my sleep
window in order to increase sleep
drive. When I had an insomnia
relapse after working with Dr.
Conroy, I was able to reset my sleep
window and increase my sleep drive
so that I was once again sleeping
soundly through the night. I’ve
never been able to manipulate
my sleep this way in over a decade
of insomnia.

The most significant overall change
I have noticed has been the
Confidence in myself to be able to
deal with insomnia. I now have
tools to deal with it on my own.

I would describe Deirdre’s coaching
as patient, structured, fair. I
recommend her to friends and family
with chronic sleep issues.
– Patrick FLandscape with mountains and mist at sunset
My top three goals were to start living
a happy, healthy, rested life, not to
require any medications to help with
sleep , and to work on decreasing
anxiety. The biggest tangible change I
have noticed since beginning the
program is that I have been able to
constructively recognize some of the
thoughts and behaviors that may have
been contributing to my anxiety and
sleep problems. I now feel confident in
my abilities to overcome some of my
previous fears associated with insomnia.
I have the resources to help myself when
I previously may have felt helpless.

Deirdre is extremely caring, patient,
Supportive and non-judgmental.
Deirdre is such a pleasure to work with.
She is very accommodating to difficult
schedules and is often willing to meet
at different places, do phone consults
and meet at different times. She is
always available to help and provide
quick and thorough feedback on every
visit. She always provides great
resources and is a great support. I
would recommend my coach to anyone
who is struggling with insomnia or even
looking to explore introspection into their
thoughts which may be contributing to
living their best life.
-Rachel KLandscape of mountains with river running through the valley and tress on the river bank.
-Dwane LImage of tree tunnel with sun shining brightly.My top 3 goals were to address my immediate
insomnia issue, to develop strategies to
manage insomnia on an ongoing basis,
and learn more about the mechanisms
of insomnia overall.

My coach was able to help me work
toward these goals by providing guidance
and tools for dealing with my immediate
acute insomnia issue, allowing me to
return to a more normalized sleep
pattern relatively quickly. Then,
throughout the course of the sessions
my coach provided me with additional
tools to both manage bouts of insomnia
when they occur, as well as ways to
reduce the frequency and intensity of
bouts of insomnia in the future. The
biggest tangible change I have noticed
since beginning the program has been
the frequency and intensity of the bouts
of insomnia I used to suffer with have
decreased dramatically.

The most significant overall change
I have noticed has been that my
insomnia is no longer a controlling
factor in my life. For my part, when
I would go through a bout of severe
insomnia, the insomnia itself would
become an all-consuming obsession,
e.g. “what’s wrong with me? When will
this ever end?” Working with my coach
gave me tools to control my reaction
to both common insomnia “triggers”
as well as the insomnia itself, to where
I no longer experience these “anxiety
spirals” should I encounter a night or
two of bad/no sleep.

I would describe Deirdre as “extremely
accessible and compassionate, with a
deep well of knowledge on sleep
disorders and their treatment. I would
recommend Deirdre to literally ANYONE
that is experiencing insomnia or sleep
disturbances of any kind.”